All of life comes to me with Ease, and joy, and glory!
Welcome to the world of Access Consciousness®!
I am an Access Bars® Practitioner, which means that I can offer these amazing healing experiences to you!
**NOTE: Access Consciousness body processes are unavailable during this time do to social distancing restrictions.**
I am also a practitioner of the following body processes:
Zero Sum of Trauma: Now, what happens is as our bodies continually experience trauma, it bascially overloads the circuits basically and your body’s capacity to deal with it. Then it goes into this sort of permanently damaged mode in a particular area of your body.
Zero sum of Trauma is about undoing structurally not just cellular structurally, but overall structurally, where the trauma has become too great to recover from in any particular area Literally, if you’ve had something where it’s been like a repetitive stress injury for example or if you’ve had something that continually hurts and never seems to go away. If this sounds familiar, than this body process may be for you!
Elimination and Eradication of All Angst and Upset Locked in Bodies & Eradication of what Locks Out Total Awareness
Feeling stressed out? Have digestion issues? This body process can help you out.
Positional HEPADs and Zero Sum of Trauma: Positional HEPADs are a huge amount of what creates pain in the body.
This process eliminates everywhere you have taken a fixed, stubborn point of view that cuts off your awareness of anything else.
HEPAD is an acronym that stands for:
Handicapping: Everywhere you handicap yourself so that you don’t outshine or outdo others around you. You limit yourself to fit in.
Entropy: Where things fall apart over time. This can relate to your body, your relationships, your belongings, your businesses, etc. Anything you have that falls apart over time.
Paralysis: This is where you paralyze yourself with a fixed position and ensure you have no other choices available. Have you ever felt you are stuck because you have no other choice?
Atrophy: Where your ability shrinks and becomes useless. Muscles do this. So do mental capacities when you take a specific point of view and refuse to see any other options. The capacity for joy shrinks and becomes non-existent.
Destruction: When you use your energy against you so you destroy yourself instead of create. You make yourself finite instead of infinite.
It also addresses aversion to sexual, creative energy which is vital for creating what you truly desire in your life.
Restoration of Hyperventilation: Restore your full capacity to receive oxygen in greater levels, leaving you more energized and stronger in many ways including the strengthening of your immune system.
Restoration of Communion With the Earth: Restore your connection with the Earth and to the Oneness of All That Is. Discover the infinite being that you truly be and feel comfortable being here upon and with the Earth.
Elimination and Eradication of the Chromatics of Time Body Process: Elimination and Eradication of the Chromatics of Time Body Process works on eliminating and eradicating aging and wrinkling of the skin , mental problems such as bi-polar or schizophrenia, and all genetic diseases or ailments that run in the family. Chromatics have to do with the range of light colors. This is why younger people look more vibrant than older people do – they have a fuller spectrum of colors running through them. These diminish with time and leaves you looking, feeling, and being diminished. When we eliminate and eradicate the chromatics of time more color and energies are available to you. You come closer to embodying the infinite possibilities of the infinite colors. This leaves the body rejuvenated and energized and able to reverse aging and disease.
Antalgic Shadows:
Is life a literal pain? This body process helps you with physical pain. What is your pain trying to tell you? What do you need to acknowledge to release the pain that your body is expressing? Sometimes our pain can even be from past lives. Wow!
Square Root of MInus One Body Process:
This process allows the body to dynamically overcome common human diseases such as colds and flu. It literally changes the immune system so that you do not get sick with such things again. It is also effective with insomnia and arthritis.
In mathematics, the square root of minus one (√-1 ) is an imaginary number. However it actually exists in the place where we hide things in the body. This process no longer allows limitations to be hidden there.
Trifold Sequencing SystemsTFS is used when a person dates their life by a traumatic event. Specifically, when the event is traumatic, emotionally or not, or shocking the person locks in a physical complaint. From that time forward, s/he loops back to the event. If s/he talks obsessively about the event, they may be experiencing a Trifold Sequencing System.
If a person has lost a loved one, was in an accident, had a divorce or some other incident where they either date their life by it or talk obsessively about it, as if it happened yesterday, even though its been years may also be in a Trifold Sequencing System.
If the person talks obsessively about the event, whatever it may be, even though it happened 40 years ago but they talk as if it happened yesterday are stuck in a TFS. They can’t go beyond it; they have locked it in. All they require is a trigger to relive it to experience it all again. People who are diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can benefit greatly from TFS.
Trifold Sequencing Systems Of Drug Induced Scenarios, Perfectionism, and Insanity
The seeking of perfection is within the tri-fold sequencing system. While on drugs, you perceive everything, and it sticks to you. As you come off the drugs, the sensory cortex closes and traps the ability to access the decisions, judgments, conclusions and computations you have made. This process creates the possibility to reverse this limitation.
Access Bars
What are the bars?
They are 32 points on your head which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release anything that doesn't allow you to receive. These points contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations that you have stored in any lifetime. This is an opportunity for you to let go of everything!
What are the benefits?
Each Access Bars® session can release 5-10 thousand years of limitations in the area of your life that corresponds with the specific Bar being touched. This is an incredibly nurturing and relaxing process, undoing limitation in all aspects of your life that you are willing to change.
How much of your life do you spend doing rather than receiving? Have you noticed that your life is not yet what you would like it to be? You could have everything you desire (and even greater!) if you are willing to receive lots more and maybe do a little less! Receiving or learning The Bars® will allow this to begin to show up for you.
Access Bars® has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their body and their life including sleep, health and weight, money, sex and relationships, anxiety, stress and so much more. At worst you will feel like you have just had a phenomenal massage. At best your whole life can change into something greater with total ease.
How does it get even better than this!?
This information and more is provided on
I am an Access Bars® Practitioner, which means that I can offer these amazing healing experiences to you!
**NOTE: Access Consciousness body processes are unavailable during this time do to social distancing restrictions.**
I am also a practitioner of the following body processes:
Zero Sum of Trauma: Now, what happens is as our bodies continually experience trauma, it bascially overloads the circuits basically and your body’s capacity to deal with it. Then it goes into this sort of permanently damaged mode in a particular area of your body.
Zero sum of Trauma is about undoing structurally not just cellular structurally, but overall structurally, where the trauma has become too great to recover from in any particular area Literally, if you’ve had something where it’s been like a repetitive stress injury for example or if you’ve had something that continually hurts and never seems to go away. If this sounds familiar, than this body process may be for you!
Elimination and Eradication of All Angst and Upset Locked in Bodies & Eradication of what Locks Out Total Awareness
Feeling stressed out? Have digestion issues? This body process can help you out.
Positional HEPADs and Zero Sum of Trauma: Positional HEPADs are a huge amount of what creates pain in the body.
This process eliminates everywhere you have taken a fixed, stubborn point of view that cuts off your awareness of anything else.
HEPAD is an acronym that stands for:
Handicapping: Everywhere you handicap yourself so that you don’t outshine or outdo others around you. You limit yourself to fit in.
Entropy: Where things fall apart over time. This can relate to your body, your relationships, your belongings, your businesses, etc. Anything you have that falls apart over time.
Paralysis: This is where you paralyze yourself with a fixed position and ensure you have no other choices available. Have you ever felt you are stuck because you have no other choice?
Atrophy: Where your ability shrinks and becomes useless. Muscles do this. So do mental capacities when you take a specific point of view and refuse to see any other options. The capacity for joy shrinks and becomes non-existent.
Destruction: When you use your energy against you so you destroy yourself instead of create. You make yourself finite instead of infinite.
It also addresses aversion to sexual, creative energy which is vital for creating what you truly desire in your life.
Restoration of Hyperventilation: Restore your full capacity to receive oxygen in greater levels, leaving you more energized and stronger in many ways including the strengthening of your immune system.
Restoration of Communion With the Earth: Restore your connection with the Earth and to the Oneness of All That Is. Discover the infinite being that you truly be and feel comfortable being here upon and with the Earth.
Elimination and Eradication of the Chromatics of Time Body Process: Elimination and Eradication of the Chromatics of Time Body Process works on eliminating and eradicating aging and wrinkling of the skin , mental problems such as bi-polar or schizophrenia, and all genetic diseases or ailments that run in the family. Chromatics have to do with the range of light colors. This is why younger people look more vibrant than older people do – they have a fuller spectrum of colors running through them. These diminish with time and leaves you looking, feeling, and being diminished. When we eliminate and eradicate the chromatics of time more color and energies are available to you. You come closer to embodying the infinite possibilities of the infinite colors. This leaves the body rejuvenated and energized and able to reverse aging and disease.
Antalgic Shadows:
Is life a literal pain? This body process helps you with physical pain. What is your pain trying to tell you? What do you need to acknowledge to release the pain that your body is expressing? Sometimes our pain can even be from past lives. Wow!
Square Root of MInus One Body Process:
This process allows the body to dynamically overcome common human diseases such as colds and flu. It literally changes the immune system so that you do not get sick with such things again. It is also effective with insomnia and arthritis.
In mathematics, the square root of minus one (√-1 ) is an imaginary number. However it actually exists in the place where we hide things in the body. This process no longer allows limitations to be hidden there.
Trifold Sequencing SystemsTFS is used when a person dates their life by a traumatic event. Specifically, when the event is traumatic, emotionally or not, or shocking the person locks in a physical complaint. From that time forward, s/he loops back to the event. If s/he talks obsessively about the event, they may be experiencing a Trifold Sequencing System.
If a person has lost a loved one, was in an accident, had a divorce or some other incident where they either date their life by it or talk obsessively about it, as if it happened yesterday, even though its been years may also be in a Trifold Sequencing System.
If the person talks obsessively about the event, whatever it may be, even though it happened 40 years ago but they talk as if it happened yesterday are stuck in a TFS. They can’t go beyond it; they have locked it in. All they require is a trigger to relive it to experience it all again. People who are diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can benefit greatly from TFS.
Trifold Sequencing Systems Of Drug Induced Scenarios, Perfectionism, and Insanity
The seeking of perfection is within the tri-fold sequencing system. While on drugs, you perceive everything, and it sticks to you. As you come off the drugs, the sensory cortex closes and traps the ability to access the decisions, judgments, conclusions and computations you have made. This process creates the possibility to reverse this limitation.
Access Bars
What are the bars?
They are 32 points on your head which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release anything that doesn't allow you to receive. These points contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations that you have stored in any lifetime. This is an opportunity for you to let go of everything!
What are the benefits?
Each Access Bars® session can release 5-10 thousand years of limitations in the area of your life that corresponds with the specific Bar being touched. This is an incredibly nurturing and relaxing process, undoing limitation in all aspects of your life that you are willing to change.
How much of your life do you spend doing rather than receiving? Have you noticed that your life is not yet what you would like it to be? You could have everything you desire (and even greater!) if you are willing to receive lots more and maybe do a little less! Receiving or learning The Bars® will allow this to begin to show up for you.
Access Bars® has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their body and their life including sleep, health and weight, money, sex and relationships, anxiety, stress and so much more. At worst you will feel like you have just had a phenomenal massage. At best your whole life can change into something greater with total ease.
How does it get even better than this!?
This information and more is provided on