Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul.

Well the new year is almost 2 months in~ Today's date 02/22 and in angel numbers 222 means "Have faith. Everything’s going to be all right. Don’t worry about anything, as this situation is resolving itself beautifully for everyone involved."
Wow! I how synchronstic :) That number sequence meaning fits with the title that I chose, without realizing that they would have such a similar meaning! Nice one angels :)
I feel that this year really is a year of faith. I know for myself (and others as well, from personal conversations) that, in looking ahead, there is a lot of uncertainty this year. One thing that IS certain, is that there are a lot of changes in store. Personally, I'll be completing my Bachelor of Education in April and really have no idea where I will be moving for employment after that.
With uncertainty can come discomfort and fears, because many of us like to be in control. I think that there are two keys to feeling at peace with what is to come. Firstly, loving one self. This is a huge message for everyone this year. Love yourself first. It's not a selfish act, it's a compassionate act towards yourself. You need to love yourself enough to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new because you will then KNOW that you deserve a better life. You were meant to be extraordinary and you need to have faith in yourself and confidence to move forward. Secondly, faith. Faith in yourself but faith in the Divine, as well. Because not knowing can be comfortable if you trust that the Creator is going to bring you to exactly the right people, at the right place, at the right time. We need to trust that what is unfolding before us is for our highest good. And with self love and faith/trust, we can be co-creators in our existance, because we expect and accept that which IS best for us, and we won't settle. I get so frustrated when I see people settling in life, even though I know it's none of my business-- other than we are One and I wish for all humanity to set their sights high and achieve their very best. Maybe that's the teacher in me meeting up with the spirituality in me? hehe
What have I done towards loving myself more this year? Well I have finally set my determination towards a commitment to a healthier lifestyle. This is a much needed, long procrastinated goal that I finally feel really motivated for. My first step has been changing my eating habits towars making healthier choices. And it's working! Thank God for showing me results, which is keeping me motivated. I am 2 pounds away from having lost 30lbs! yay!!! Lots to go yet, but I'm on my way and two steps ahead of where I was 'yesterday', so it's all good and I'm very happy with myself for these positive changes!!
I'm having faith that doors to job opportunities that are the best for me will open and that I'll recognize them when they do. I have faith that the Divine are shining a healing light on all areas of my life and all areas of my loved ones lives. We all need to realize that a part of loving ourselves, is accepting help from others. Yes, quiet time alone in meditation and centering oneself on peace is so important, but so is accepting help when needed and not feeling like we are alone. We're not alone~ the angels walk with you. Ask them for guidance today.
I have infinite love and gratitude for all who I cross paths with, for I know that they are a piece of a bigger picture. I extend warm gratitude and love to all who come to this website and who assist me in allowing Inspire Love to grow so that I can serve and help those who come to me for
I feel that this year really is a year of faith. I know for myself (and others as well, from personal conversations) that, in looking ahead, there is a lot of uncertainty this year. One thing that IS certain, is that there are a lot of changes in store. Personally, I'll be completing my Bachelor of Education in April and really have no idea where I will be moving for employment after that.
With uncertainty can come discomfort and fears, because many of us like to be in control. I think that there are two keys to feeling at peace with what is to come. Firstly, loving one self. This is a huge message for everyone this year. Love yourself first. It's not a selfish act, it's a compassionate act towards yourself. You need to love yourself enough to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new because you will then KNOW that you deserve a better life. You were meant to be extraordinary and you need to have faith in yourself and confidence to move forward. Secondly, faith. Faith in yourself but faith in the Divine, as well. Because not knowing can be comfortable if you trust that the Creator is going to bring you to exactly the right people, at the right place, at the right time. We need to trust that what is unfolding before us is for our highest good. And with self love and faith/trust, we can be co-creators in our existance, because we expect and accept that which IS best for us, and we won't settle. I get so frustrated when I see people settling in life, even though I know it's none of my business-- other than we are One and I wish for all humanity to set their sights high and achieve their very best. Maybe that's the teacher in me meeting up with the spirituality in me? hehe
What have I done towards loving myself more this year? Well I have finally set my determination towards a commitment to a healthier lifestyle. This is a much needed, long procrastinated goal that I finally feel really motivated for. My first step has been changing my eating habits towars making healthier choices. And it's working! Thank God for showing me results, which is keeping me motivated. I am 2 pounds away from having lost 30lbs! yay!!! Lots to go yet, but I'm on my way and two steps ahead of where I was 'yesterday', so it's all good and I'm very happy with myself for these positive changes!!
I'm having faith that doors to job opportunities that are the best for me will open and that I'll recognize them when they do. I have faith that the Divine are shining a healing light on all areas of my life and all areas of my loved ones lives. We all need to realize that a part of loving ourselves, is accepting help from others. Yes, quiet time alone in meditation and centering oneself on peace is so important, but so is accepting help when needed and not feeling like we are alone. We're not alone~ the angels walk with you. Ask them for guidance today.
I have infinite love and gratitude for all who I cross paths with, for I know that they are a piece of a bigger picture. I extend warm gratitude and love to all who come to this website and who assist me in allowing Inspire Love to grow so that I can serve and help those who come to me for