I hope that everyone is having a wonderful summer. I've learnt quite a bit during mine.
1) A perception of perfection-- We should love something not because we think it is perfect but because we realize nothing is perfect and so we choose to embrace the imperfections with unconditional affection. In the end, this new perspective on perfection will help avoid future disapointments.
2) Expectations- When we hold on too tightly to an idea of what we 'expect' to happen, it can lead to huge disapointment when it doesn't turn out just like it did in our heads. I think its safer and much less stressful to have dreams and ideas of what would be wonderful, but not depend on them happening in that exact way to bring us happiness. Definately expect the unexpected. Let go a little, and you'll get a lot more than you would when you hang onto a limited idea of what 'should be'.
3) When all else seems hopeless, it's our own strength and faith that can get us through. It definately helps to have others to encourage us, or give us little words of wisdom to keep our negative thoughts away, but in times when all else seems lost- that's when it is most important to rely on ourselves, our strength, our resiliency, and faith in what we believe. We need to stand up for what we believe in, and believe in ourselves along the way.
On that note I'm going to share a quote that's on a beautiful affirmation flag that my sister gave me, that's now hanging in my living room:
"We can not do great things in this world. We can only do small things with great love." - Mother Theresa
Thank you Mother Theresa for this reminder that it's not how large of a deed we accomplish, or how big of a step we take, its the faith and love in which we carry with us with each step, no matter how big or small. When we do things with love for ourselves and others, the rewards are priceless.
Thank you for listening. More thoughts to come, as always.
Radiate Love.
1) A perception of perfection-- We should love something not because we think it is perfect but because we realize nothing is perfect and so we choose to embrace the imperfections with unconditional affection. In the end, this new perspective on perfection will help avoid future disapointments.
2) Expectations- When we hold on too tightly to an idea of what we 'expect' to happen, it can lead to huge disapointment when it doesn't turn out just like it did in our heads. I think its safer and much less stressful to have dreams and ideas of what would be wonderful, but not depend on them happening in that exact way to bring us happiness. Definately expect the unexpected. Let go a little, and you'll get a lot more than you would when you hang onto a limited idea of what 'should be'.
3) When all else seems hopeless, it's our own strength and faith that can get us through. It definately helps to have others to encourage us, or give us little words of wisdom to keep our negative thoughts away, but in times when all else seems lost- that's when it is most important to rely on ourselves, our strength, our resiliency, and faith in what we believe. We need to stand up for what we believe in, and believe in ourselves along the way.
On that note I'm going to share a quote that's on a beautiful affirmation flag that my sister gave me, that's now hanging in my living room:
"We can not do great things in this world. We can only do small things with great love." - Mother Theresa
Thank you Mother Theresa for this reminder that it's not how large of a deed we accomplish, or how big of a step we take, its the faith and love in which we carry with us with each step, no matter how big or small. When we do things with love for ourselves and others, the rewards are priceless.
Thank you for listening. More thoughts to come, as always.
Radiate Love.