I had to continue my thoughts from my previous post.
Everyone is receiving a real push to make changes to their lives. The Universe really seems to be strongly encouraging everyone to finally surrender and release the past. "Let go of what no longer serves you" whether it is old guilt, fears, shame, resentment, unforgiveness, or negative thought patterns and habits.
I came across a quote from Robert Holden's presentation at last years "I Can Do It" Conference in Toronto that really makes sense to me....
"I am not my past
I am not my heartaches
No single failure is an entire biography
Mistakes are moments, not name plates.
Pain is an experience, not an identity.
That which suffers is not me.
May the truth set me free."
Beautiful. I love this. We are NOT our mistakes. We can not let our experiences belittle us, we must allow them to grow. Somehow we need to find it in ourselves to accept that past, learn from it, allow ourselves to grow, and leave that experience in the past so that we can move foreward. Everyone makes mistakes and too many people beat themselves up for them.
That which suffers is not me.
I Am a piece of the Divine. Perfect, whole, and complete as I was created.
That which suffers is my ego.
And the ego can be a real pain in the butt!! lol
We need to embrace our experiences. Embrace our present and see the positive~ that in truth, all is well. In this moment I am safe. I move forward in peace, knowing that I am not alone, I am being shown the way, and that which I require for my highest good comes to me now.
I breathe out which no longer serves me. I let it go. I open my arms to the new, exciting experiences that are here for me now and that are unfolding before me. :0)
I embrace a new life for myself.
And truly, when you make a decision to do this, magic happens! And you will feel WONDERFUL!
I wish for you the strength and courage and peace of mind th
Everyone is receiving a real push to make changes to their lives. The Universe really seems to be strongly encouraging everyone to finally surrender and release the past. "Let go of what no longer serves you" whether it is old guilt, fears, shame, resentment, unforgiveness, or negative thought patterns and habits.
I came across a quote from Robert Holden's presentation at last years "I Can Do It" Conference in Toronto that really makes sense to me....
"I am not my past
I am not my heartaches
No single failure is an entire biography
Mistakes are moments, not name plates.
Pain is an experience, not an identity.
That which suffers is not me.
May the truth set me free."
Beautiful. I love this. We are NOT our mistakes. We can not let our experiences belittle us, we must allow them to grow. Somehow we need to find it in ourselves to accept that past, learn from it, allow ourselves to grow, and leave that experience in the past so that we can move foreward. Everyone makes mistakes and too many people beat themselves up for them.
That which suffers is not me.
I Am a piece of the Divine. Perfect, whole, and complete as I was created.
That which suffers is my ego.
And the ego can be a real pain in the butt!! lol
We need to embrace our experiences. Embrace our present and see the positive~ that in truth, all is well. In this moment I am safe. I move forward in peace, knowing that I am not alone, I am being shown the way, and that which I require for my highest good comes to me now.
I breathe out which no longer serves me. I let it go. I open my arms to the new, exciting experiences that are here for me now and that are unfolding before me. :0)
I embrace a new life for myself.
And truly, when you make a decision to do this, magic happens! And you will feel WONDERFUL!
I wish for you the strength and courage and peace of mind th