Yesterday was one of those emotional days when, unfortunately, the ego can get the best of us and we create drama from within ourselves by allowing our fears to overwhelm us. Instead of hiding out and not feeling like I was worthy of updating my site and facebook page in such a state of emotional sensitivity, I decided to search out people who could help me. I decided to share my journey of healing with people online.
This is the best advice that I was given:
Important Message from Doreen Virtue's "Angel Therapy Oracle Cards"----- Cancel, Clear, Delete- "Use only positive words and thoughts, as they're rapidly manifesting into form. Ask the angels to cancel the effects of past negative thinking."
"Vacuum Away Fear- Call upon the Archangels Michael and Raphael to life fear-based energy from you, your surroundings, this situation, and everyone involved."
It's okay to embrace our emotional sensitivity and release and cleanse ourself, but we have to also remember the power within our thoughts and worlds. We can so easily manifest that which we don't want, if we're not careful about what we are focusing on. So, I decided to clear, cancel, and delete all of the effects from my negative thinking yesterday.
I was also told, as I have been before, that I am powerful. This is yet another reason why I need to watch my thought- we are such powerful manifesters! Things also seem to be manifesting into reality more quickly now than they ever have before.
SO, then I got to thinking- how do they know I'm powerful? What do they mean? Then I got to thinking- okay ego, get out of the way- it's not just me, EVERYONE is powerful! In pondering this question I instantly got my answer. I went to Kathleen Peterson's book "We are Here For You" which is a collection of channeled messages from the Archangels and other light beings. I use this book like an oracle card deck- opening it up to the page that holds an important message for me. This is what I opened up to:
Msg from Athena today- "I come to you today to speak of strength and wisdom. Go inside and listen to what comes from your inner connection with the Divine. That is where your strength and power lie. You must use your power for your highest good, which will, in turn, help those around you."
I also chose the oracle card "You are a powerful lightworker- it is safe for you to be powerful. Your spiritual power brings great blessings in loving service to the Divine." :)
Wonderful! The strength in our power lies in us realizing our Divinity. When we combine our pure love and gratitude, then we have power and strength that will allow us to always find the light amongst the darkness. We are all powerful creaters and manifesters. Some of us are better at healing, some are more mastered at counselling, some of us just simply make the people around us feel better.
Those are my thoughts this morning! Let go of negative thoughts. Rise above them and embrace the power that lies within us.
This is the best advice that I was given:
Important Message from Doreen Virtue's "Angel Therapy Oracle Cards"----- Cancel, Clear, Delete- "Use only positive words and thoughts, as they're rapidly manifesting into form. Ask the angels to cancel the effects of past negative thinking."
"Vacuum Away Fear- Call upon the Archangels Michael and Raphael to life fear-based energy from you, your surroundings, this situation, and everyone involved."
It's okay to embrace our emotional sensitivity and release and cleanse ourself, but we have to also remember the power within our thoughts and worlds. We can so easily manifest that which we don't want, if we're not careful about what we are focusing on. So, I decided to clear, cancel, and delete all of the effects from my negative thinking yesterday.
I was also told, as I have been before, that I am powerful. This is yet another reason why I need to watch my thought- we are such powerful manifesters! Things also seem to be manifesting into reality more quickly now than they ever have before.
SO, then I got to thinking- how do they know I'm powerful? What do they mean? Then I got to thinking- okay ego, get out of the way- it's not just me, EVERYONE is powerful! In pondering this question I instantly got my answer. I went to Kathleen Peterson's book "We are Here For You" which is a collection of channeled messages from the Archangels and other light beings. I use this book like an oracle card deck- opening it up to the page that holds an important message for me. This is what I opened up to:
Msg from Athena today- "I come to you today to speak of strength and wisdom. Go inside and listen to what comes from your inner connection with the Divine. That is where your strength and power lie. You must use your power for your highest good, which will, in turn, help those around you."
I also chose the oracle card "You are a powerful lightworker- it is safe for you to be powerful. Your spiritual power brings great blessings in loving service to the Divine." :)
Wonderful! The strength in our power lies in us realizing our Divinity. When we combine our pure love and gratitude, then we have power and strength that will allow us to always find the light amongst the darkness. We are all powerful creaters and manifesters. Some of us are better at healing, some are more mastered at counselling, some of us just simply make the people around us feel better.
Those are my thoughts this morning! Let go of negative thoughts. Rise above them and embrace the power that lies within us.